Nature took on a mystical quality in Lesya Malskaya’s “Mosaic of Life,” the winter exhibit at The Queen City Art Gallery at Montefiore New Rochelle, which ran through January. This series of images captured different scenes from nature, many of them reflected back on themselves, to comment on the intricate connection between nature and mankind.
“The images illustrate how these patterns coexist within a harmonious system highlighting that our interaction with nature is inherently shaped by our personal perspectives,” said Malskaya, a native of Ukraine who has exhibited her work in galleries around the world. “Ultimately, this series echoes the timeless truth that nature not only surrounds us but also teaches us about the essence of beauty.”
The Queen City Art Gallery, an innovative, rotating exhibition in the main lobby of the Montefiore New Rochelle campus, is a collaboration between the Montefiore Einstein Fine Art Program and Collection and the New Rochelle Council on the Arts. Led by Jodi Moise, Director, the Montefiore Einstein Fine Art Program and Collection, and Curator, The Queen City Art Gallery, the gallery features three exhibitions annually from local artists who live or work in New Rochelle and/or Westchester County.
“For Lesya Malskaya, nature is a ubiquitous theme of life,” said Moise about this visual media artist who has focused on photography, film, video and installations in her art career. “She encourages viewers to interpret the intertwining patterns stemming from both the natural world and human existence. This level of engagement reinforces the positive impacts of exhibiting natural imagery in healthcare environments.”
As part of Montefiore Einstein’s mission to heal, teach, discover and advance the health of the communities it serves, the gallery seeks to enrich the lives of the patients, caregivers, associates, students, faculty and community members by increasing the understanding of contemporary art in a medical center context.
If you missed the exhibit, you can view Malskaya’s “Mosaic of Life” images on her website: